Dermal Fillers

Dermal Filler is a hyaluronic acid based gel that can be used to restore lost volume due to the aging process. It can also be used to redefine, sculpt and contour the face. Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide that is naturally present in skin and cartilage, but as we age we lose this layer.
The Aging Process
As we reach our 30's the underlying supporting bone and fat pads begin to deminish, and they continue to do so as we age. Your face can change from full and fresh in your 20's to slim and angular in your 40's. This leave to more skin folds/ wrinkles and and jowls. Skin also becomes thinner, less elastic and less hydrated.
Sun damage over the years also has a huge impact on the skin quality, lines and wrinkles and therefore the best anti-wrinkle treatment is always to wear factor 50 sunscreen.
Dermal fillers can be used to replenish what has been lost and helps hydrate the area, restoring or adding volume and definition. Hyaluronic acid is naturally broken down by the body, and usually lasts 6-12 months.
Treatments at Anthony Aesthetics
Naso-labial Folds
As we age lines can start to deepen running from the nose to the mouth. Dermal filler can be used to plump up this region, reducing the depth of these lines, creating a more youthful appearance

Marionette Lines
Marionette lines get there name marionette dolls, they are the lines that develop from the corners of the mouth running down towards the bottom of the face. These can make your mouth appear sad and jowls start to form. Filler can help soften their appearance. The cause of these lines is often from loss of volume higher up the face in the cheek region. This treatment works well in-conjunction with Cheek/mid-face filler.

Cheek Filler
Often enhancement of the cheek and
mid -face region can help reduce the lower face lines and jowl region. In younger clients it can also be used to help define and contour the face.

Chin Filler
As we age the chin muscle becomes stronger, which can lead to the chin rotating upwards, leading to a crease above the chin. This can be softened with filler to freshen up your look.
The chin can also be lengthened or rounded improving your side profile.

Jaw line Filler
The jaw can become more rounded as we age losing definition. Filler can be used to rebuild structure in the indented area that often form at the start of a jowl and towards the angle of the jaw to reduce the excess skin. More than 1ml of dermal filler is often required in this region to achieved the desired result.
In younger patients and male clients filler can be used to chisel and sharpen the jaw line.

Tear Trough Filler
The tear trough (under eye area) can become more hollow and dark as we age. This contributes to a tired appearance even if you have had a good nights sleep.
Redensity 2, a very specific filler can be used to improve the area. The filler also contains, vitamins, minerals and skin boosters to improve the skin quality in the area. The area is often made worse by lack of volume in the cheek area, so this may need to be corrected first.

Nose Filler
Non-surgical rhinoplasty (nose job) can be performed using dermal filler to help, lift straighten and shape the nose. This treatment is only suitable for those who have NOT had previous nose surgery, or a previous break.
(this can alter the anatomy of the blood vessels in the nose, making it a higher risk procedure which would be best tackled by a specialist).
results last 12-24 months

Temple filler
An area often overlooked is the temple. As we age this becomes more hollow, creating a more skeletal appearance which can be aging so should be included to maintaine a hollistic approach to treating the whole face.
The temple can appear more hollow following cheek filler, so restoring the temple improves the overall face shape.

Forehead filler
The Forehead becomes harder to treat with botox as we age, as this can lead to heavy brows. Filler in the area can be a good option to restore the natural contour of the forehead, and reduce fine lines.